Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3 weeks 6 countries 7 planes 2 buses 1 train 1 boat 1 helicopter

One hell of a holiday. Only 4 more sleeps until takeoff. Packing is proving a bit of a challenge, I "need" more stuff than will fit in my case. Shoes are the biggest issue - now don't get me wrong I am NOT a shoe person BUT unlike blokes who can pretty much get away with boots for most occaisions, I need walking shoes, boots and flats for night time and dress shoes for the wedding. Now shoes take up a considerable space in the old case. I wonder if Chas will notice a couple of pairs of shoes in his case ??? Tomorrow I will iron everything and fold it all properly and hopefully it will all fit in OK. Currently charging all the electronics batteries ready for the trip and only need to head up the street in the morning for a couple of things, disposable under water camera for Maid of the mist tour at Niagara Falls, spare batteries for Chas's camera and I am done.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"pruning" time

Spring may see young men's thoughts turn to fancy but it turns old mens thoughts to chainsaws and fires. We have been concerned about a couple of the trees for a while now so we hired a tree feller to assist us to "prune" 17 of the native gums. The biggest challenge was the sugar gum on the fenceline - truely scarey to watch it sway in the wind and listen to it crack more down the centre on a windy night. The boys trimmed a mere 37 foot from the top - leaving at least equal to that standing. They managed to leave controlled devastation in their wake, and Chas has been busy all week making piles of branches and leaves to burn. Well today was such a beautiful day that he just couldn't resist setting fire to a couple of piles.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

28 days and counting down

It's hard to believe that there is only 28 days to take off. I picked up the tickets last week so it seems more real now. Started gathering stuff up and have the cases out on the spare bed. We pretty much have the route planned, at least we know the first couple of days. We have decided that we will take the ferry to France and back - we wanted to go to Dunkirk but there is no foot passengers so it looks like we will be going to Calais instead or we might decide to take the car over and back. Glenda is getting excited - we will be seeing her for dinner and she has said she will cook traditional english roast beef and her black forest trifle - YUM
Bridgete and James have asked me to do a reading at the wedding and I am soooo excited - and was really honoured to be asked. B said she will email it to me shortly so I can practice.