Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Playing with my little yellow bicycle

 No I haven't gone nuts riding a my bike around town. I'm talking about the new Twig and Elizabeth Park papers from LYB I got at Hobbysew last week. They are so cute I couldn't resist playing with them.

trifold multi layer card
Coredinations and Elizabeth Park
Twig goodie bag

Elizabeth Park gift box

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Catching up with old friends ....

We caught up with an old friend last weekend. After eight years it was like we had seen each other last week. I love that I don't need to see or speak to my real friends every day, but we reconnect each time we see each other. It was a fantastic night, she has remarried since we last saw her and it felt like we had known her new husband for ever. Chatting by the river, having a few drinks and nibbles and a BBQ tea was so relaxing I felt like I'd been on a holiday for a week rather than one night. We had lost touch for many reasons but we both often thought about catching up but would get distracted. I am so glad I made the effort and we will definitely not leave it that long again. So if you have a friend you haven't seen for a while, but think about them, get in touch life's too short not to spend time with those you love.