Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Relay For Life Echuca

Saturday night saw hundreds of people give up their time and nice warm beds to Relay around the Moama Sports grounds. It was awesome to see so many people dedicated to the cause. I was there supervising a team of 13 year old girls - on the night shift - who decided they wanted to put in a team. These kids are awesome - they managed to con their mothers and a few others like me to participate and raised more than their very realistic target of $600. They organized a walking roster and not once did they miss their time to walk. The event was very well organized Kudos to the committee - my only complaint was the coffee man went at one am - very glad to see him  back at five am and it was VERY cold. I went prepared and put a new layer on every hour - Cass was sure I'd look like an igloo with a head when she got up in the morning. All in all a fun night had by all.

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