Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Up Up and Away

We're leaving on a jet plane ...... all packed and ready to head to Melbourne tonight ready for our 9am flight tomorrow. Just waiting for Chas to get home and we are going out to lunch .... I think he's going to miss me lol. Kaz will pick me up around six and we'll stay overnight, then fly out in the morning. I'm really excited now, worried my case is too heavy all ready but thinks there is still enough room to bring some goodies home. I packed and repacked half a dozen times .... culling with each repack so I think I have everything I  need and no extra stuff.
Really looking forward to the classes and make and takes and Kaz's sneak peaks over at the Hobbysew Echuca blog are wetting my appetite for all things scrapping, haven't scrapped for a couple of weeks and can't wait to get back into it.
Will post again when we land
Happy scrapping H

1 comment:

Glen said...

Hey mate...have yourself a wonderful time in LA at the CHA...but then I don't need to tell you that! *Ü* Keep posting - I'm reading. LOL. ~Glen~